National Laser Restoration

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National Laser Restoration


14209 29th Street East STE 101-102 Sumner,
WA 98390 1-888-NLR- LZRS 253-238-7299 


Laser operations pose potential risks to both the operators and others in the vicinity due to the concentrated and coherent nature of laser light. Therefore, adhering to strict safety requirements is crucial. Here are some general safety guidelines for laser operations:

Training and Qualification:

Ensure that personnel operating lasers are adequately trained and qualified to handle laser equipment. Provide ongoing training to keep operators informed about the latest safety procedures and technologies.

Risk Assessment:

Conduct a thorough risk assessment for each laser operation, considering factors such as power, wavelength, exposure duration, and beam delivery system.

Protective Eyewear:

Require the use of appropriate laser safety eyewear designed for the specific wavelength and power of the laser being used. Eyewear should comply with the specifications outlined in the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Z136 series for laser safety.

Controlled Access:

Restrict access to laser areas to authorized personnel only.
Use controlled entry points and signage to communicate potential laser hazards.

Protective Barriers:

Install physical barriers and enclosures to prevent accidental exposure to laser radiation.
Ensure barriers are labeled with appropriate warning signs.

Beam Termination:

Employ beam stops or termination devices to prevent the uncontrolled projection of laser beams beyond the intended target area.


Ensure adequate ventilation in laser work areas to dissipate heat generated during laser operations.
Remove any potentially hazardous fumes or by-products.

Emergency Procedures:

Establish clear emergency procedures for responding to laser-related accidents or injuries.
Provide first aid training to personnel.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):

Provide appropriate personal protective equipment, such as gloves and lab coats, to minimize the risk of exposure to laser radiation and other hazards.

Safe Operating Procedures:

Develop and enforce safe operating procedures for all laser activities.
Clearly communicate procedures to personnel through training and documentation.

Regular Inspections and Maintenance:

Regularly inspect and maintain laser equipment to ensure it is in good working condition.
Promptly address any malfunctions or issues.

Compliance with Regulations:

Adhere to local, national, and international regulations and standards for laser safety.

Eye Examinations:

Implement a program for regular eye examinations for personnel working with lasers to monitor and detect any potential eye damage.

NLR Safety Qualifications